Monday, 1 October 2012


Sound Motif - A sound effect or combination of sound effects that are associated with a particular character, setting, situation or idea throught the film. The use of a motif can help shape a story that requires many characters and locations.
This sound motif is used whenever darth vadar appears in a scene in star wars.

Parallel Sound - This is where the sound matches the actions that are on screen.
Up until 03:42 the sound that is in the secen matches the actions that are on screen.

Contrapuntal Sound -This is where the sound doesn't match the action that is in the scene, opposite of what is on screen.
From 04:35 to 05:15 the music that is in the background doesn't match the action that James Bond is doing as it is a fast paced scene with a lot of action and fighting but the music is slow and quiet.

Direct Address - Direct address is when a character on screen directly adresses the audience for example a narrater in a film talks to the audience.
In the trailer you see that the main character Alfie addresses the audience a number of times.

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