How is Sav Represented?
At the beginning we see Sav holding a gun with blood on his hand, this tells us that maybe he is a bad man. But he seemed shocked by what he had done. He looked at the gun and then okay threw it down onto his bed; he also looked horrified with what he had done. When we saw that he had blood on his hands he quickly wiped the blood off his door and taw his clothes off and went into the bathroom. His actions show that maybe he isn’t as bad as we first thought as he is doing things that make him look like he is shocked by what he has done.
When Sav meets Cassie and Libby on the beach he is the one asking questions trying to find out information about the two, but the women doesn’t want a conversation, she wants to get away from Sav. The conversation is quite awkward, it is obvious that they have a past and something bad has happened between them as when Sav says that he will walk with them Cassie tells him to not bother. This added to the first scene that we seen is building up an image that is the opposite to the what the title suggests.

Sav seems to have a good relationship with others in the workplace. He has lunch at the ‘diner’ with one of his work mates. This shows that they are also friends outside of work as they get along well with each other and have something to eat. Also when he gets into work he has a conversation with another one of his colleagues. They talk to each other about what had happened at the weekend and what had happened with Sav and Cassie on the beach. This shows that they have a good relationship as they had a normal conversation that you might hear friends having and they also feel comfortable sharing things with each other.
When Sav was in the restaurant having something to eat he kept one eye on what the man was saying to Amy the waitress as he used his instincts and experience to see that something was going on, when he saw that Amy had been in the toilet for a while he decided to go and check to see what was happening. When in the toilet Sav was confident and not phased by the man. When the man said that he would ‘hammer’ the next copper he sees Sav was not fazed, he just told him and his ‘crew’ to leave. He saw that there was a danger to the waitress and he used his experience as a cop to react quickly to it to make sure that the waitress was okay. He is then polite to the waitress when he goes to see if she is alright.
When Sav goes upstairs to in the house where the dead baby is he sees the boy holding the baby, he then immediately starts asking questions, but only simple ones. Sav tone of voice is soft as to he doesn’t want to anger or upset the boy. He seems to be quite sympathetic towards the boy as he is not interrogating him or forcing him to answer questions; he is trying to be calm. When the mother starts shouting at her son Sav immediately calms the women down to prevent her from making a scene.
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